
能效设计指数EEDI的强制实施及其影响 被引量:1

The adoption and entry into force of EEDI
摘要 2003年,国际海事组织IMO便受联合同气候变化框架公约UNFCCC的委托开始制定旨在减少温室气体排放的法规。在2011年7月召开的国际海事组织海洋环境保护委员会(MEPC)第62次会议上,能效设计指数EEDI与船舶能效管理计划SEEMP作为MAPOL附则VI的延续获得通过,并将于2013年1月1日生效。 The Energy Efficiency Design Index is the product of a broad church united around a single objective-the reduction of GHG emissions from ships.Assuming adoption this year and entry into force in 2013,the introduction of the EEDI for all new ships will mean that between 45 and 50 million tonnes of CO2 will be removed from the atmosphere annually by 2020,compared with 'business as usual' and depending on the growth in world trade.For 2030,the reduction will be between 180 and 240 million tonnes annually from the introduction of the EEDI.There is,therefore,every confidence,among the vast majority of the international maritime community,that the EEDI will result in more energy efficient ships,in reduced emissions of GHGs,in environmental effectiveness and in a significant contribution by a global industry to the global efforts to stem climate change.
作者 张乐山
出处 《中国远洋航务》 2011年第10期28-29,10,共2页 China Ocean Shipping Monthly
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