
经济适用原则乃公共住宅的设计之源 香港早期公屋的设计特色初探 被引量:9

Affordability as the Inspiration of Design for Public Housing A Preliminary Study on the Design Characteristics of Early Public Housing in Hong Kong
摘要 公共住宅从本质上来说不是一个单纯的建筑问题,它是一个国家或社会为保障低收入家庭的最基本的居住条件而建立的一套社会福利制度。香港的公屋制度缘起于20世纪50年代初人口急剧增长、城市住房极度短缺以及社会贫穷问题日益激化的大环境。这些极端的条件激发建筑师的创造力,产生不平凡的设计。文章以香港早期的公屋发展为考察对象,以经济适用原则为基本线索,梳理香港公屋在场地策略、居住单元以及交通流线三个方面的设计特点。 Public housing, by nature, is not a purely architectural problem. It is a social welfare system sponsored by a state or society to provide basic living standards for lower income families. The public housing system in Hong Kong had its origin in responses to the dramatic expansion of urban population, desperate shortage of housing provision, and increasing level of social poverty in the early 1950s. These extreme conditions inspired the architect's creativity and produced extraordinary designs. Taking the early development of Hong Kong's public housing as the subject of study, this article is the first ever attempt to identify the design characteristics of Hong Kong's public housing under the principle of affordability, namely, site strategy, unit formation, and its circulation system.
作者 顾大庆
出处 《时代建筑》 2011年第4期50-55,共6页 Time + Architecture
基金 香港特别行政区研究资助局资助项目:CUHK444610和CUHK4668/06H
关键词 香港 公共住宅 设计 经济适用 Hong Kong Public Housing Design Affordability
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  • 1"Chapter 10: Housing, Resettlement and Town Planning" , Hong Kong Annual Report 1954, Hong Kong: Government Printer, 126-136.
  • 2"So Uk Estate: Housing Authority's New $50,000,000 Project" , The Hong Kong and Far East Builder, Volume 13, Number 1, 1957: 5-7.
  • 3T. S. C. Feltham "Cadogan Street Housing Scheme for Hong Kong Housing Authority" , The Hong Kong and Far East Builder, Volume 11, Number 5, 1955: 27-29.
  • 4"Cross-contour Development of the Hilly Sites" , The Hong Kong and Far East Builder, Volume 14, Number 2, 1959: 16-18.
  • 5"50-person Lifts will Serve HK's Biggest Low-cost Estate" , Far East Builder, Volume S, Number 4, April 1969: 23-25.
  • 6"Asiatic Police Married Quarters" , The Hong Kong and Far East Builder, Volume 9, Number 2, 1951: 45-46.
  • 7"Multi-storey Resettlement Buildings" , The Hong Kong and Far East Builder, Volume 11, Number 5, 1955: 61-64.
  • 8透视香港公屋制度:一半人口安居的“政府楼”,中国网.http://www.china.com.cn/overseas/txt/2008-03/05/content_11601137.htm.











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