

New Method for Predicting the Temperature Distribution of Waterwall Tubes
摘要 为了得到锅炉水冷壁管道周向温度分布和内壁氧化膜生长的特性,通过对其传热过程的研究,建立起预测具有内壁氧化膜的管道温度分布的数值模型。并根据管状热流设备测得的管道热流密度,针对某电厂的水冷壁管道实际运行情况进行计算,结果表明在圆周角为120°时管道各界面的温度和氧化膜厚度最小,在圆周角为0°时管道各界面的温度和氧化膜厚度最大,与实际运行数据有很好的一致性。用该方法预测氧化膜厚度及管壁各界面温度是可行的。 To obtain the circumferential temperature distribution and the internal wall surface oxide film growth characteristics of the waterwall tubes of a boiler,through conducting a study of its heat transfer process,the authors established a numerical model for predicting the temperature distribution on the tubes with an internal wall surface oxide film.On the basis of the heat flux densities measured from the tubular heat flux equipment items,a calculation was performed according to the actual operating condition of the waterwall tubes in a power plant.It has been found that when the circumferential angle is 120 degrees,the temperatures and thicknesses of oxide films at various interfaces are smallest.When the circumferential angle is 0 degree,the temperatures and thicknesses of oxide films at various interfaces are biggest.Compared with the actual operating data,they correspond very well,indicating that to use the method in question to predict the thickness of an oxide film and temperatures at various interfaces of the tube wall is feasible.
出处 《热能动力工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期593-598,635-636,共6页 Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(NO.09QX61) 北京市教育委员会学科建设与研究生教育建设基金资助项目(X90017)
关键词 水冷壁 氧化膜 生长 预测 新方法 waterwall,oxide film,growth,prediction,new method
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