
浅析东盟地区论坛的信任建立措施 被引量:3

An Analysis on Confidence Building Measures of ASEAN Regional Forum
摘要 信任建立措施主要指相关国家为解决相互安全不确定因素而采取的冲突预防与解决的政策措施,防止彼此间发生冲突,具有重要的实证意义。东南亚国家为减弱固有的和严重的结构性安全困境,联合地区外部分国家,建立了东盟地区论坛,采取了诸多建立安全信任措施,促进和维护了地区形势的安全与稳定。当前,东盟地区论坛已经成为促进亚太安全信任的重要沟通平台。 Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) means the traditional and nontraditional security measures taken unilaterally,bilaterally or multilaterally by the countries that seek to belittle or eliminate the uncertainties among them.The notion of CBMs is quite pragmatic in reality.In order to weaken the consecutively existing serious structural security dilemmas,Southeast Asian countries founded ASEAN Regional Forum(ARF),with other countries outside the region,and have taken a lot of confidence building measures,promoted and consolidated regional security and stability.Currently,ARF has become an important communicative platform which promotes the security confidence in the Asia-Pacific region.
作者 周士新
出处 《东南亚南亚研究》 2011年第3期1-6,92,共6页 Southeast Asia & South Asian Studies
关键词 东盟地区论坛 信任建立措施 安全困境 安全共同体 ASEAN Regional Forum Confidence Building Measures Security dilemma Security Community
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