
微电网中太阳能分布式发电的建模与仿真 被引量:2

Modeling and Simulation of Solar Distributed Generation in Micro-grid
摘要 分布式电源是智能电网一个重要的特征.阐述了微电网的定义及太阳能分布式发电工作原理,考虑光照强度等环境因素的变化,建立光伏发电的数学模型.利用Matlab软件中的Matpower软件包对接有太阳能光伏分布式发电的IEEE34配电系统进行随机潮流计算,观察潮流分布状态.仿真分析表明,分布式电源的接入对系统有积极作用,能减少系统线路损耗. Distributed power is an important feature of smart grids. The definition of micro-grid and the operating principle of solar distributed generation are described. Considering the changes of such environmental factors as light intensity, a mathematical model of photovohaic power generation is established. Matpower of Matlab software is applied in calculating the IEEE34 distribution system with photovoltaic power generation, and observing trend of the flow distribution, and the simulation shows a positive effect with a distributed power system, and less line losses.
出处 《上海电力学院学报》 CAS 2011年第5期463-467,共5页 Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power
基金 国家自然科学基金(50807035) 上海市重点科技攻关计划(10110502100) 上海市电站自动化技术重点实验室资助项目(08DZ2272400) 上海市教委创新计划重点项目(11ZZ169) 上海市教委重点学科(J51303)
关键词 微电网 分布式电源 光伏发电 潮流 micro-grid distributed power photovoltaic power generation power flow
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