
医学教育中临床指南相关内容讲授现状的调查研究 被引量:8

Survey of guideline education in Chinese medical school
摘要 目的:了解医学教学中临床指南相关内容的讲授现状。方法:采用不记名问卷形式,对在北京大学第三医院进行培养的八年制医学生、研究生和住院医师进行调查。结果:八年制实习生多数认为教师初次传授临床指南相关知识的时间为大学基础课阶段(54.5%),而内科培养组以临床工作后为主(52.4%)(P<0.001)。实习生中多数在大学基础课阶段初次听说(56.8%)和阅读临床指南(54.5%),均早于内科培养者(P均<0.001)。结论:目前我国医学教育中已加强了对临床指南相关内容的讲授,但教师还应积极向学生推广临床指南数据库资源。 Objective: To investigate the status of guideline education in a medical school. Methods: An anonymous questionnaire was distributed to undergraduates, post-graduates and residents in Peking University Third Hospital. Results: The time for the undergraduates to be taught of guideline information and to aware and read the guidelines was earlier than that for the post-graduates and the residents ( P 〈 0.001). Most respondents (95.3 % ) thought that knowledge about clinical guidelines could benefit the clinical practice. 66.3 % of them got guideline information from classroom, while 25.6% from the intemet. Conclusions: Guideline education has started in Chinese medical school in recent years. However, more focus should be put on how to use guideline databases.
出处 《中国高等医学教育》 2011年第9期78-79,共2页 China Higher Medical Education
关键词 医学教育 医学生 临床指南 medical education medical students clinical guidelines
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