
惯性效应对延性金属材料中孔洞长大行为的影响及敏感性分析 被引量:1

摘要 从能量守恒原理出发,得到考虑惯性效应的微孔洞增长方程,并以Gurson模型为基础,通过ABAQUS软件用户子程序VUMAT将微孔洞增长方程引入Gurson模型中,分析考虑惯性效应后的孔洞长大行为。结果表明,惯性效应抑制孔洞的长大,且随着加载速率的提高,这种抑制作用更加明显;惯性效应对材料的初始损伤和孔洞的分布密度十分敏感,其作用与材料的初始损伤度成正比,而与孔洞分布密度成反比。 Started from the law of conservation of energy,the growth equation of micro-voids is gained,in which inertial effect has been taken into account.Based on Gurson model,the growth equation of voids is introduced into Gurson model through VUMAT subroutine in ABAQUS software,and the void growth behavior affected by inertial effect is investigated.The results show that inertial effect decreases the rate of void grows,and with the increasing of the loading rate,the decreasing effect becomes more remarkable.Inertial effect is very sensitive to the initial damage of the material and the distribution of the void density.The larger the initial damage and the sparser the void density,the stronger the inertial effect on the void growth.
出处 《机械强度》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期724-728,共5页 Journal of Mechanical Strength
基金 2008年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助(NCET080454)~~
关键词 惯性效应 能量守恒 Gurson模型 VUMAT子程序 Inertial effect Energy conservation Gurson model VUMAT subroutine
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