
混合整数二次规划问题的全局最优性条件(英文) 被引量:3

Global Optimality Conditions for Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming Problems
摘要 本文给出了混合整数二次规划问题的全局最优性条件,包括全局最优充分性条件和全局最优必要性条件.我们还给出了一个数值实例用以说明如何利用本文所给出的全局最优性条件来判定一个给定点是否是全局最优解. In this paper,we establish some necessary and sufficient global optimality conditions for mixed integer quadratic programming problems.We also give an example to illustrate how to use the global optimality conditions to check a given point is or is not a global minimizer.
出处 《应用数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期845-850,共6页 Mathematica Applicata
基金 the National Natural Science Foundation of China(10971241) the Australia Research Council Project Grant(DP0771709)
关键词 全局最优性条件 混合整数二次规划 抽象凸性 Global optimality condition Mixed integer quadratic program Abstract convexity
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