

Heavy neutrinos and single production of the Higgs boson at the ILC and LHeC experiments
摘要 在标准模型(SM)中,e+e-→νeν-eh和eq→νeq′h过程是黑格斯玻色子h在ILC和LHeC试验中的主要产生机制.我们研究了seesaw-Ⅰ机制所预言的重中微子Ni对这两个产生过程的量子修正,并讨论了通过这两个过程探测重中微子Ni的可能性.计算结果表明:在合理的参数取值范围内,对eq→νeq′h过程的产生截面修正非常小,不过,对e+e-→νeν-eh过程产生截面修正较大,其数值可达到或超过将来ILC实验的测量精度. In the standard model(SM),the processes e+e-→νeνeh and eq→νeq′h are the main production mechanisms of the Higgs boson h at the ILC and the LHeC,respectively.We consider the contributions of the heavy neutrinos Ni predicted by the type-Ⅰ seesaw mechanism to these production processes.We find that,with reasonable values of the free parameters,the deviation of the cross section for the process e+e-→νeνeh from its SM value might be comparable to the future ILC measurement precision,and the deviation for the process eq→νeq′h is much small.
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第3期278-285,共8页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(10975067)
关键词 重中微子 高能对撞机实验 中微子质量 heavy neutrinos high-energy collider experiments neutrino mass
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