为了从根本上实现SO2有效控制,解决目前燃煤电厂烟气脱硫(FGD)设施存在着投运率低、运行不稳定等问题,脱硫装置取消旁路烟道势在必行。从旁路挡板作用和可靠性的角度对取消旁路烟道的可行性进行分析论证,并对比分析取消旁路烟道的2×600 MW机组与常规2×600 MW机组的建设与运行投资情况,分析了其技术经济性。结果表明,取消旁路消除了增压风机、烟气换热器(GGH)、脱硫进口烟气挡板门等故障点,有利于提高锅炉机组的安全性与脱硫系统运行的可靠性。
In order to achieve a fundamental and effective control of SO2, to resolve the problems of low availability and instability of the flue gas desulfurization (FGD) plant installed at the coal-fired power plant, it is imperative to cancel bypass duet. In this article after the author makes an analysis on the advantages of no bypass FGD plant and common failures of conventional wet FGD plant (with bypass), and also a comparision between a 2×600 MW FGD plant with no bypass and a conventional 2×660 MW FGD project, the technical and economic characteristics is clear. The result shows that FGD plant with no bypass may eliminate the failure points of booster fan, flue gas heat exchanger (GGH) and inlet damper, and may help improve the safety of the boiler and the reliability of the FGD system. Therefore, FGD plant with no bypass is feasible in economy.
China Resources Comprehensive Utilization