琼花和八仙花都是传统名花,北宋以来的诗文多有题咏。其中琼花因极罕见,故号称"天下无双",它自然枯死或毁于兵火后,人们曾以与其极相似的八仙花作替补。现代植物学专著认为二者为"同物异名",殊谬。经考证确认,八仙花是忍冬科植物Viburnum macrocephalum Fort.form.keteleeri(Carr.)Rehd.,而琼花是其园艺栽培种V.macrocephalum Fort.,今称"绣球荚",亦误。
"Both Qionghua" and "Baxianhua" are traditional famous flowers which were often presented in poems since earlier Song Dynasty. "Qionghua" was very rare, so it was called "unparalleled flower in the world". "Qionghua" was often substituted by the "Baxianhua" 'after its natural death or damaged by wars as "Baxianhua" strongly resembles "Qionghua". They were described " synonym" in morden botany literatures, but it is not ture. In science, the scientific name of "Baxianhua" is Viburnum macrocephalum Fort. form. keteleeri ( Cart. ) Rehd., and "Qionghua" is its horticultural species whose scientific name is V. macrocephalum Fort, which was called "Xiuqiujiami"at present.
Hebei Journal of Forestry and Orchard Research