首先介绍了基本旋转不变技术(ESPRIT,Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Tech-niques),指出其结果会产生虚假波峰且结果具有随机性。然后介绍改进的总体最小二乘(TLS)ESPRIT,其结果能够避开虚假波峰,但不能求解准确的功率幅值。最后,结合模拟退火算法(SA,Simulated Annealing)准确估计功率幅值。该方法可应用于笼型异步电动机转子断条故障检测,仿真结果表明此方法切实可行。
Firstly, this paper introduces the basic ESPRIT (Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques) and points out the corresponding results are random to some extent and include false peaks. Secondly, the improved TLS-ESPRIT, which can avoid false peaks but cannot get the accurate power amplitude, is introduced. Finally, SA (Simulated Annealing) is used to estimate the accurate power amplitude. This method can be applied to detect rotor bar breaking fault in induction motors. Simulation results show that the method is valid and effective.
Journal of North China Electric Power University:Natural Science Edition