
作业条件危险性评价法在深水钻完井作业评价中的应用研究 被引量:15

Study on the application of LEC to the risk assessment of deep-water drilling and completion operations
摘要 深水钻完井作业长期暴露于危险环境中,被普遍认为是高危作业。同时深水事故的发生给人类带来深刻的教训,例如墨西哥漏油事件造成恶劣的海洋环境污染,有必要提高钻完井作业的安全性。由于深水钻完井作业复杂,其危险性复杂多样,需从作业单元入手详细分析其危险性。本文采用作业条件危险性评价法(LEC)对深水钻完井作业进行危险性评价。首先,辨识危险有害因素;其次,在对作业条件危险性评价法进行改进的基础上分析深水油气田钻完井作业火灾爆炸危险性。分析结果表明改进后的作业条件危险性评价法能够更准确地确定危险等级,为对深水钻完井作业其它危险因素评价提供了参考。 Deep-water drilling and completion operations which are exposed to hazardous environments in the longterm, are generally considered as high-risk work. And the occurrence of deep-water accidents gives profound lessons to people. For example, the Mexican oil spill caused severe pollution of the marine environment, so it is nec- essary to improve the safety of deep-water drilling and completion operations. Because the deep-water drilling and completion operations and its risks are very complicated, a detailed risk analysis of the deep-water drilling and completion operating unit is needed to assess the risk of deep-water drilling and completion operations. The method of risk assessment of operating conditions (LEC) is used for the risk assessment of the deep-water drilling and completion operations. First, dangerous and harmful factors of the deep-water drilling and completion operations are identi- fied ; second, the LEC method is improved and then is used for the risk assessment of the fire and explosion hazard in drilling and completion operations of deep-water oil and gas fields. The results show that the improved LEC method can more accurately determine the risk level of risk factors of deep-water drilling and completion operations and provide a valuable reference for the risk assessment of other factors in deep-water drilling and completion operations.
机构地区 中国石油大学
出处 《中国安全生产科学技术》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第9期89-92,共4页 Journal of Safety Science and Technology
关键词 深水 钻完井 危险因素辨识 火灾爆炸 作业条件危险性评价 deep-water drilling and completion risk factors identification fire and explosion LEC
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