

Analysis on Environmental Institutions in China's Economy Transition Process:Based on Aspects of Information Asymmetry and Action of Government
摘要 首先对处于经济发展转型期的我国环境制度的构成进行概要分析,然后基于环境制度有效的几个基本条件,对我国的环境制度有效性进行考察;其次,从信息不对称和政府行为两个维度来分析其与环境制度有效性的关系,得出我国环境制度有效性不高的结论。据此提出:一方面,消减环境政策的信息不对称程度,降低不确定性,增加政府或政策"承诺"的可信任程度,是提高环境制度有效性的必然要求;另一方面,为了提高环境规制的有效性,规制者作为公众在环境保护方面的政治代理人,也同样面临着被规制的问题。 This paper firstly represents the structure of China's environmental institution and analyzes its efficiency and the relationships between information Asymmetry,actions of government and the efficiency of environmental institution in China.We find that the efficiency of China's environmental institution is not good,and give suggestions accordingly that it is necessary to enhance the level of trust to environmental institutions and overcome the problem of regulators-captured.
作者 黄民礼
出处 《燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2011年第3期114-118,共5页 Journal of Yanshan University:Philosophy and Social Science
关键词 环境制度 信息不对称 政府行为 environmental institution information asymmetry action of government
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