

The Polysemy of Medieval Periods "Lu" and the Cognitive Analysis of the Evolution of Word Meaning
摘要 运用认知语言学的理论,梳理了中古时期"录"的词义演变脉络,揭示出"录"的多义现象是在一定意象图式基础上通过隐喻和转喻机制而形成的。 The article tries to apply the related theories of cognitive linguistics,and describes the meaning of evolution thread of the Medieval periods "Lu",and then reveals the metaphor and metonymy mechanisms of the polysemy based on the theory of image schema.
作者 姜黎黎
出处 《燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2011年第3期132-135,共4页 Journal of Yanshan University:Philosophy and Social Science
基金 2011年度浙江省哲学社会科学规划后期资助立项课题(11HQZY02)
关键词 多义性 词义演变 认知分析 "lu" polysemy the evolution of word meaning cognitive analysis
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