
知识、德性与教育——卢梭《论科学与艺术》第二部分评注 被引量:1

Knowledge,Morality and Education——Commentary on Part Two of Rousseau's Discourse on the Sciences and Arts
摘要 在《论科学与艺术》一书的第二部分,卢梭通过引用古代寓言告诫常人不要碰触科学之火,否则会引火烧人。卢梭认为,只有少数天才才有能力触碰科学之火。进而,他认为科学与艺术的大众化会造成四种恶果,包括无可弥补的时间损失、奢侈享受、勇敢品质的丧失和教育品质的丧失,除此之外,还包括对德性教育的败坏。在卢梭看来,真正的德性教育是自然的而不是科学的。为了避免科学与艺术对德性的腐蚀,卢梭呼吁知识人和常人要安守本分。这样的呼吁显现着卢梭的两种教育观和两种教师身份。 In part two of the book Discourse on the Sciences and Arts, Rousseau warns us by quoting ancient fables that human-beings could not touch the flame of science, otherwise they would get scorched; and according to him, there are only a few talents competent to do this. Then he explains the four evils caused by science and art, including the waste of time, the luxurious enjoyment, the loss of courage and the absence of education, as well as the ruin of moral education. He holds that it is in nature, rather than in science, that true moral education is rooted. And to avoid the erosion from science and art on morality, he appeals that the intellectuals and the ordinary people should behave themselves accordingly, which demonistrates Rousseau's two views on education and two roles of being a teacher.
出处 《教育理论与实践》 北大核心 2011年第9期7-10,共4页 Theory and Practice of Education
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划2006年度国家青年基金课题<古希腊公民教育思想史论>(课题批准号:CEA060064)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 知识 德性 科学与艺术 大众化 教育 knowledge morality science and art popularization education
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  • 1Streckeisen, M. (1865) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ses Amies et ses Ennemis ( Paris: Levy).
  • 2Swift, J. (1984) Jonathan Swift, eds A. Ross and D. Wooley (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press).
  • 3Vernes, J. (1765) Recueil d' Opuscules concernant les ouvrages et les sentiments de monsieur Jean-Jacques Rousseau sur la religion et l'education ( La Haye, France: F. Staatman).
  • 4《第二论文》
  • 5Cavaye, P. (1799) Nouvel Emile ou Conseils dorm,s a une Mere sur l' education de ses enfants (Castres, France: Rodiere) (originally published under the date 'An V' ).
  • 6Shaw, B. (1914) Misalliance, the Dark Lady of the Sonnets, and Fanny's First Play:With a Treatise on Parents and Children (London: Constable).
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  • 10Cajot, D. (1766) Les plagiats de M. J. -J. Rousseau de Geneve sur l' education ( Paris: Durand) ( published originally as ' C. D. ' for Dom Cajot).












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