

On Chen Xiying's Local Consciousness
摘要 五四时期,新的思潮不断兴起,但中国传统的乡土意识仍在不同程度地影响着各个阶层成员的思考和行动。受到了西方文化熏陶和洗礼的陈西滢,身上也存在着乡土意识。在他对亲友的维护,对家族的照顾和对国家的热爱上都有所体现。透过他的乡土意识可以探求五四时期知识分子的内心世界。在当前这个传统文化缺失,乡土意识逐渐淡薄的时代,陈西滢的乡土意识有其值得分析研究的价值。 In the May Fourth period, the new trends rose continuously, while the local consciousness still influenced the thoughts and acts of people of each class. Chen Xiying, who received western edification and the baptism of cuIture, also had the traditional Chinese local , which was reflected in the maintenance of his relatives and friends, his care for the family and love for the country. Through his local we can seek the inner world of the intel- lectuals in the May Fourth period. At present, because of the missing of the traditional culture and the indifference to local , Chen Xiying' s local consciousness is worth analysing and studying.
作者 吴学峰
出处 《湖北第二师范学院学报》 2011年第9期13-16,共4页 Journal of Hubei University of Education
关键词 陈西滢 乡土意识 鲁迅 乡情 家族观念 爱国情怀 Chen Xiying local consciousness Lu Xun homesickness family conception patriotic feelings
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