
A Rational Approach to Research: Translator-Oriented Research Vs. Research in Translation Studies

A Rational Approach to Research: Translator-Oriented Research Vs. Research in Translation Studies
摘要 This paper discusses Skopos theory as a general theory in terms of its applicability to real life conditions by developing a questionnaire to assess both the theory itself, and the real life practices fulfilled by the professional translators. Skopos theory, as the best model that serves to the ends of professional translators, is taken as a basis for developing a logical framework of a research model. Within this context, the function of questionnaires in theoretical research is studied in such a way not only as to bridge the gap between practice and theory, but also in terms of their potentiality in yielding a causal research. In conclusion, this paper aims not only to unravel the ambiguous network between professional research conducted in translation process and questionnaires as tools of research, but it also discusses theoretical knowledge in terms of the logical framework they submit in research
作者 Mine Yazici
机构地区 Istanbul University
出处 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第8期518-525,共8页 中美英语教学(英文版)
关键词 process oriented partial research Skopos theory questionnaires target-oriented 英语学习 中学英语 英语教学 英语阅读
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