
自闭症儿童与正常儿童父母的心理理论能力比较 被引量:5

Theory of mind abilities between autistic children' s and the normal children's parents
摘要 目的比较自闭症儿童父母的心理理论能力与正常儿童父母问的差异,试图为自闭症儿童的心理理论缺陷可能存在遗传因素提供神经认知方面的间接证据。方法通过使用电脑程序版的“yoni”测验和一套神经心理学测验,对32例自闭症患者和32例正常儿童的父母进行心理理论能力进行测评并比较。结果与对照组相比,自闭症组儿童父母的冷心理理论得分[(22.75±5.01)分,(22.56±5.63)分,P〉0.05]无统计学意义,而热心理理论得分[(23.06±5.12)分,(25.63±4.47)分,P〈0.01]、复杂情感得分[(10.13±4.14)分,(14.87±2.21)分]差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论自闭症儿童父母的热心理理论能力存在缺陷,为自闭症儿童在心理理论方面的缺陷可能存在遗传因素提供了神经认知方面的间接证据。。 Objective To compare the theory of mind(TOM) abilities between autistic children's parents and the normal children' s, and to indirectly prove that TOM deficit in autism maybe related to heredity in cognitive neuropsyehology. Methods This study examines TOM abilities in 32 autistic children' s parents and 32 normal children' s parents, using the computerized "Yoni task" and an extensive battery of neuropsychological tests. Resuits In contrast to findings in the control group, autistic children' s parents showed significantly lower scores in affective theory, of mind ( ( 23.06 ± 5.12 ) vs ( 25.63 ± 4.47 ), P 〈 0.01 ) and special emotion ( ( 10.13±4.14 ) vs ( 14.87± 2.21 ), P 〈 0.05 ), but not in cognitive theory of mind ( ( 22.75± 5.01 ) vs ( 22.56±5.63 ), P 〉 0.05 ). Conclusion The autistic children' s parents are impaired in affective theory of mind,and to indirectly prove that autistic TOM deficit maybe related to heredity in cognitive nenropsychology.
出处 《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期812-814,共3页 Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science
基金 安徽省国际科技合作计划项目(10080703040),安徽省自然科学基金项目(090413147)
关键词 自闭症 父母 心理理论 遗传 Autistic disorder Parents Theory of mind Heredity
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