
几种曲面上的方格和三角格的左右路的计数(英文) 被引量:5

Enumeration of Left-right Paths of Square and Triangular Lattices on Some Surfaces
摘要 设G是连通的胞腔嵌入于某闭曲面的图,G的一条左右路是指沿G的边通过交错的选择最左和最右的边作为下一条边走出的一闭途径.本文计数得到了自然嵌入到环面,Klein瓶和射影平面的方格子和三角格子图的左右路数. Let G be a finite connected graph cellularly embedded in a closed surface. A left-right path in the embedded graph G is obtained by walking on edges of G, alternately selecting as next edge the leftmost edge and the rightmost edge. In this paper, we determine numbers of left-right paths of square and triangular lattices embedded in torus, Klein bottle and projective plane in a natural way.
出处 《数学研究》 CSCD 2011年第3期257-269,共13页 Journal of Mathematical Study
基金 supported by NSFC(10831001) the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2010121007)
关键词 计数 左右路 格子图 闭曲面 环面链环 Enumeration Left-right paths Lattices Closed surfaces Torus link
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