严歌苓是当代著名的海外华文文学作家。她的每一篇小说创作几乎都达到了均衡的出色,蕴涵了丰富的思想,吸引了众多的文学爱好者与研究者。众多的研究从她的小说文本对她的创作进行了剖析。然而,从她的诸多创作谈、访谈、演讲的文章来探讨她的小说创作的思想则鲜有。通过探讨了她强调的"印象"、"特定环境"、"Talk Out"、"想象力"、"形象"等概念的内涵,以及这几个概念之间的联系,阐明其共同构成严歌苓的较为系统的小说创作思想。严歌苓以探讨人在"特定环境"下必然或可能产生的行为,开掘其中的人格秘密,丰富了作品的内涵,这使她的小说创作思想具有"求索"的人学意义、悲悯的哲学情怀,伸张、发扬了启蒙主义、个性主义的精神,为当下的文艺理论界带来了新异的思考。
Yan Ge-ling is a contemporary outstanding oversea Chinese literature writer, every works of whose almost reaches an astonishment of equipoise, merits abundant thinking, and attracts a large number of literature fans as well as researchers. Many researches involves an in depth study upon her creative works just from her novel texts. Nevertheless, there is of scarcity probing into her novel creating thinking from her mass of pane discussions, interviews, and speech collections. This paper, based upon her emphasis of the concept connotation of "impression", "special settings" , "Talk Out", "imagination", and "image" etc. as well as the interrelationships amongst these concepts, illustrates the fact that they together constitute her much systematic novel creative thinking. Yan Ge-ling analyzes man^s deeds inevitably or probably induced under the "specific settings", uncovers wherein personality secret, enriches works connotation. All of which imparts her novel with humanistic significance of "inquiry", rueful philosophical feelings, promoting the spirits of enlightenment and individualism, whereby to engender a new thinking for present day literature circle.
Journal of Quanzhou Normal University