
2004—2008年蒙古旱獭鼠疫疫源地监测结果分析 被引量:6

Analysis of the monitor results of Marmota sibirica plague foci from 2004 to 2008
摘要 目的分析2004—2008年蒙古旱獭鼠疫疫源地监测结果,掌握该疫源地的发展和变化特点。方法每年5—9月,在满洲里市、陈巴尔虎旗、新巴尔虎左旗、新巴尔虎右旗、鄂温克旗及牙克石市,以旗(县)为单位开展监测,每个旗(县)监测面积为20000~40000hm2。采用路线法调查旱獭密度,采用一Et弓形夹法调查达乌尔黄鼠密度,采用五米夹线法调查夜间活动鼠类;对捕获的旱獭和达乌尔黄鼠体外寄生蚤,全部在低倍镜下进行分类鉴定,并用探蚤棒对达乌尔黄鼠洞干进行蚤类采集和鉴定;对获取的鼠、蚤可检材料,按照《中华人民共和国国家标准鼠疫诊断标准》(GB15991—1995),采用鼠疫细菌学培养方法进行病原学检测,采用间接血凝试验方法进行血清学检测。结果5年间,疫源地的蒙古旱獭密度为0.010只/hm2,达乌尔黄鼠密度为0.602只/hm2.夜间活动鼠类捕获率为2.69%(258/9600);蒙古旱獭染蚤率为17.54%(10/57),蚤指数为2.54;达乌尔黄鼠染蚤率为28.40%(213/750),蚤指数为1.01;达乌尔黄鼠洞干染蚤率为5.60%(46/822),蚤指数为0.17。共剖检各种宿主动物1351只,培养各种蚤类127组628匹,病原学检测结果均为阴性;共检测各种动物血清1064份,检出阳性血清43份,阳性检出率为4.04%(43/1064),阳性血清最高滴度为1:1280。除2006年外.其余4个年度均发现血凝阳性材料;发现阳性血清的地区共有3个(满洲里市、新巴尔虎右旗、新巴尔虎左旗).分别检出血凝阳性血清30、12、1份。结论蒙古旱獭鼠疫疫源地的疫情处于活跃状态,且涉及的范围逐渐扩大。今后在监测工作中要继续加强检菌,同时注意该地区的主要宿主更替,全力做好人间鼠疫防控工作。 Objective To master of the characteristics of development and variation in plague natural foci of Marmota sibirica, and to analyze the plague monitoring results from 2004 to 2008. Methods From May to September every year, we monitored plague in Manzhouli, Chenbaerhuqi, Xinbaerhuzuoqi, Xinbaerhuyouqi, Ewenkeqi and Yakeshi city. The monitored area was 20 000 - 40 000 hm2 in every county. The density of Marmota, ground squirrel and moonlighting rats was surveyed by path method, one-day bow-clip method and a clamp was placed every five meters, respectively. The classification and identification of ectoparasite fleas were done by using low power lens. The fleas in the ground squirrel hole were collected by flannel rubber stick, then classified and identified. According to "National Standard of Plague Diagnostic Criteria" (GB 15991-1995), the collected rats and fleas were detected by isolation and cultured Yersinia pestis, the serums of collected rats were tested by indirect hemagglutination test. Results In five years, the density of Marmota and ground squirrel was 0.010/hm2 and 0.602/hm2, respectively. The capture rate of moonlighting rats was 2.69% (258/9600). The flea infection rate of Marmota was 17.54% (10/57) and the fleas index was 2.54. The fleas infection rate of ground squirrel was 28.40% (213/750) and the fleas index was 1.01. Flea infection rat of ground squirrel hole was 5.60% (46/822) and the fleas index was 0.17. The total number of various hosts of Yersinia pestis detected was 1351, the groups number of the variety of cultured fleas was 127, and the pathogen test results were negative. The number of serum tested was 1064, positive number was 43, and the detection rate was 4.04% (43/1064). The highest positive titer was 1 : 1280. Other than 2006, the remaining four years were found positive for blood clotting material; positive serumwas found in a total of three regions, they were Manzhouli, Xinbaerhuzuoqi, and Xinbaerhuyouqi; and 30, 12 and 1 copies of hemagglutination-positive sera were detected. Conclusions The epidemic of plague natural foci of Marm^ta sibirica is in a active state, and gradually expands the scope. We must continue to strengthen the inspection of the bacteria, bearing in mind the replacement of the region's main host, make every effort to prevent and control of human plague.
出处 《中国地方病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期514-517,共4页 Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology
基金 基金项目:内蒙古科技厅“人口健康支撑”项目(2008)
关键词 鼠疫 旱獭属 流行病学 数据收集 Plague Marmota Epidemiology Data collection
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