
动物栖息地结构、场地整治方法论证 溪红点鲑栖息地适宜性指标案例研究 被引量:3

Corroborating Structural/Spatial Treatments A Brook Trout Habitat Suitability Index Case Study
摘要 规划师、设计师、环境保护论者、市民以及政府官员都对环境的评估和管理方法感兴趣。其中一种评估和管理野生动物栖息地的方法最先由美国政府机构研发的数值/定量栖息地模型技术。在笔者的研究课题中,调查了美国密歇根州三条河流中溪红点鲑的栖息地适宜性模型。该研究结果表明栖息地适宜性模型的平方乘以系数208.069所预测的每一研究河段的鱼类生物量的数值,在79.5%的研究区域有效。经过验证,该模型能够用于监测在研究区域内的溪红点鲑。 Planners,designers,environmentalists,citizens,and government officials are interested in methods to assess and manage the environment.One method to assess and manage wildlife habitat is the numerical/quantitative habitat modeling technique developed primarily by governmental agencies in the United States of America.In my study I investigated the habitat suitability model of the Brook Trout(Salvelinus fontinals,Mitchill 1814) in three Michigan rivers.The results of the study indicated that the habitat suitability model squared times the coefficient of 208.069 predicts the amount of fish biomass per study reach(p0.001),explaining 79.5% of the variance.The validation of this equation suggests that the model can be employed to manage Brook Trout within the study area.
出处 《风景园林》 2011年第4期140-149,共10页 Landscape Architecture
关键词 风景园林 生物栖息地 研究 野生动物管理 景观生态学 Landscape Architecture Habitat Research Wildlife Management Landscape Ecology
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