

The research for preparation of Eu^(3+)/Eu^(2+) phosphor
摘要 通过水浴离子交换法,制备出长波紫外激发的Eu3+/Eu2+多色发光中心荧光材料,并研究了烧结温度对结构和光学性质的影响.结果表明:随着Eu3+离子掺杂浓度的升高,615 nm处的红光锐线发射峰逐渐增强,当掺杂浓度为5%时,效果最好,随着Eu3+离子掺杂浓度的继续增加,红光光强逐渐减弱;当掺杂浓度为3%时,448 nm处的蓝光发射效果最好,随着浓度的继续增加,蓝光光强也逐渐减弱. The multicolor fluorescent materials containing Eu3+/Eu2+ were prepared via ion-exchange of zeolite 13X,which showed inflyence of the sintering temperature on the structure and optical properties.The intensity of a sharp red emission band centered at 615 nm increased with the increased of the dosago concentration of europium ions.The intensity of red emission reached maximum at 5% dosago concentration of europium ions.Meanwhile,the intensity of red emission dereaased by adjusting the dosage concentration sequentially.Further more,a blue emission band centered at 448 nm reached maximum at 3% dosage concentration while and the intensity of blue emission also declined by adjusting dosage concentration sequentially.
出处 《上海师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2011年第4期394-398,共5页 Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences)
基金 安徽工程大学青年科研基金(2010YQ044)
关键词 Eu3+离子浓度 沸石 离子交换 最佳交换浓度 europium concentration zeolite ion-exchange the optimum dosage concentration
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