
均值方差结构模型的渐近稳健推断(英文) 被引量:1

Robust Asymptotic Analysis for Mean and Covariance Structure Model
摘要 均值方差模型广泛应用于行为、教育、医学、社会和心理学的研究.经典的极大似然估计对于异常点和分布扰动易受影响.本文基于目标函数最小化给出稳健估计,并基于稳健偏差提出模型拟合. Mean and covariance structure model is widely applied in behavioral,educational,medical,social and psychological research.The classic maximum likelihood estimate is vulnerable to outliers and distributional deviation.In this paper,robust estimate based onminimizing the objective function is proposed,and M-ratio test based on the robust deviance is suggested to assess the model fit.Empirical results are illustrated by a real example.
出处 《应用概率统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期399-409,共11页 Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10671032) Nanjing Forestry University Foundation (163101004)
关键词 均值方差模型 拟合优度检验 稳健偏差 Mean and covariance structure model goodness-of-fit robust deviance.
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