
美国对中越西沙海战的反应 被引量:9

US Reaction to the Paracels Battle between PRC and South Vietnam
摘要 西沙海战爆发后,美国采取不介入的立场,军事上不介入中越海战,外交上不支持任何国家对西沙和南沙群岛的领土要求。其主要原因是:其一,美国认为这两个群岛的主权归属难以确定;其二,西沙海战的交战双方是南越和中国,美国难以取舍;其三,美国已经自越南撤军,出于国内政治的考虑,不愿意也难以介入西沙海战;其四,从根本上讲,美国的国家战略决定其必然采取不介入的政策。美国关注海战后军事和外交局势的发展,同时采取措施,尽量避免其盟国与中国之间发生战事,以推行其反苏遏苏的国家大战略。 After outbreak of the Paraee's Battle, US adopted a neutral policy toward it. It did not get involved in the battle and took no position with respect to any of the conflicting claims to sovereignty over the Paracels and Spratlys Groups. There were four reasons for that. First, US regarded the two Groups as disputed territories. Second, South Vietnam and PRC fought with each other in the battle. US could support neither of them. Third, having withdrawn its troops from Viet- nam, US would not and almost could not intervene in the Paracels Battle for domestic political reasons. Fourth, the basic mason was US National Strategy. US paid much attention to the development of the military and diplomatic situation after the battle. In order to implement its anti-Soviet strategy, US tried hard and managed to avoid another battle or war between one or more of its allies and PRC.
作者 尤洪波
出处 《南洋问题研究》 CSSCI 2011年第3期20-28,共9页 Southeast Asian Affairs
关键词 美国 中国 南越 西沙 海战 US, PRC, South Vietnam, the Paracels, naval battle
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  • 1广东海防史编委会编.《广东海防史》,广州:中山大学出版社,2010年,第431-432,420,421页.
  • 2中国海军百科全书编审委员会编.《中国海军百科全书》,北京:海潮出版社,1998年,第1747页.
  • 3《我外交部发言人发表声明南越西贡当局公然又把中国南沙群岛中的十多个岛屿划人自己的版图,不能不引起中国政府和人民的愤慨.中国政府决不容许西贡当局对中国领土主权的任何侵犯》,《人民日报》1974年1月12日,第1版.
  • 4The Associated Press( AP), "Saigon Says China Bombs 3 Isles and Lands Troops", New York Times, Jan 20, 1974, p. 1/10.
  • 5Jay H. Long, "The Paraeels Incident: Implications for Chinese Policy", Asian Affairs, vol. 1, no. 4, 1974, p. 233.
  • 6U.S. Ambassador Graham Martin reports on information regarding the landing of Chinese troops on South Vietnam Pattie Island, Jan 20, 1974, CK3100498914, Database : Declassified Documents Reference System ( hereinafter cited as DDRS), Gale Group, Inc. , p. 1.
  • 7Ambassador Graham Martin discusses courses of action on how to advise the GVN and how the U.S. might approach the PRC, Jan 21, 1974, CK3100047514, DDRS, p. 1,2,4,4,3-4,3.
  • 8"Kissinger Bars Side-Taking", in AP, "23 Vietnamese Survivors Of Sea Battle Are Found", New York Times, Jan 23, 1974, p. 3.
  • 9Discussion with Chinese Representative, January 23, 1974, KT01010, Database: Digital National Security Archive (hereinafter cited as DNSA), ProQuest Information and Learning Company, p. 3.
  • 10Memorandum of Conversation, January 23, 1974, Foreign Relations of the United States (hereinafter cited as FRUS) 1969-1976, Volume XVIII, China 1973-1976, p. 452, available at http ://2001-2009. state, gov/documents/organization/100324, pdf.










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