从事数据库查询、数据分析工作的人会经常遇到这样的情况,有些SQL语句的执行非常耗时,并且数据库厂家提供的客户端工具无法看出SQL语句执行的时间,有时还不得不中断已经提交的SQL语句的执行。万能数据库查询分析器中英文版本《DB查询分析器》、《DB Query Analyzer》不仅能够直接获取SQL语句执行的时间,而且能够真正中断SQL语句的执行,这从前台界面或者从后台操作系统都可以验证到SQL语句被中断,而不会在数据库服务器主机产生僵尸进程。本文以中文版本《DB查询分析器》连接IBM550小型机AIX操作系统下DB2数据库为例,来展现整个过程。
Persons engage in database querying or Data Analysis always face the situation they cann't get any known of time consumed of the SQL statement committed to DBMS directly by the client tools supplied by DBMS Company. Some time they have to cancel the SQL statement committed to DBMS already. However, you can know the time consumed directly form the status bar of DB Query Analyze. Not only the simplified Chinese edition but also the English edition of DB Query Analyzer makes it easy to cancel the SQL statement being executing. You can verify it by the command of Operation System. You do not worry about the hanged process after you shutdown DB Query Analyzer. This paper gives you the whole process how DB Query Analyze do it when DB Query Analyze connected to DB2 DBMS based on IBM AIX/P550.