
Boundary of Cretaceous and Paleogene continental deposits in Zeya-Bureya Basin,Amur(Heilongjiang)River region 被引量:11

Boundary of Cretaceous and Paleogene continental deposits in Zeya-Bureya Basin,Amur(Heilongjiang)River region
摘要 It was conducted the comparison of palynological assemblages of the Middle Tsagayan,Upper Tsagayan subformations,Furao and Wuyun formations from Zeya-Bureya Basin of Amur (Heilongjiang) River region with assemblages obtained from the marine deposits of Northeast Russia,Sakhalin,Kuril,and Hokkaido Islands,dated by ammonites,foraminifers and other invertebrates. Based on detail correlation,the geological age of the terrestrial beds was defined. The guide fossils are recognized Marsypiletes cretacea,Tricolpites variexi- nus,Aquilapollenites conatus,A. stelkii,A. rombicus,Integricorpus bellum,Pseudointegricorpus clarireticula- tus,Triprojectus amoenus,Orbiculapollis lucidus,Wodehouseia aspera,Quercoidites minor,which had last oc- currence in the late Maastrichtian. The Danian palynofloras usually are dominated by Triatriopollenites plicoides and T. confusus. The species Anacolosidites subtrudens,Aquilapollenites proceros,A. spinulosus have last occurrence in the Danian. The K-T (K-Pg) boundary in the terrestrial deposits is defined in the base of the Upper Tsagayan Subformation and the base of the lower part of the Wuyun Formation. The latter is represented by aleuropelite to fine-grained sandstones. The change of taxonomical composition of palynospectra in similar environments could be determined by real change of flora at the Mesozoic and Cenozoic boundary,but not by changes of lithological facies or depositional environment,generally. It was conducted the comparison of palynological assemblages of the Middle Tsagayan, Upper Tsagayan subformations, Furao and Wuyun formations from Zeya-Bureya Basin of Amur (Heilongjiang) River region with assemblages obtained from the marine deposits of Northeast Russia, Sakhalin, Kuril, and Hokkaido Islands, dated by ammonites, foraminifers and other invertebrates. Based on detail correlation, the geological age of the terrestrial beds was defined. The guide fossils are recognized Marsypiletes cretacea, Tricolpites variexinus, Aquilapollenites conatus, A. stelkii, A. rombicus, Integricorpus bellum, Pseudointegricorpus clarireticula- tus, Triprojectus amoenus, Orbiculapollis lucidus, Wodehouseia aspera, Quercoidites minor, which had last oc- currence in the late Maastrichtian. The Danian palynofloras usually are dominated by Triatriopollenites plicoides and T. confusus. The species Anacolosidites subtrudens, Aquilapollenites proceros, A. spinulosus have last occurrence in the Danian. The K-T (K-Pg) boundary in the terrestrial deposits is defined in the base of the Upper Tsagayan Subformation and the base of the lower part of the Wuyun Formation. The latter is represented by aleuropelite to fine-grained sandstones. The change of taxonomical composition of palynospectra in similar environments could be determined by real change of flora at the Mesozoic and Cenozoic boundary, but not by changes of lithological facies or depositional environment, generally.
出处 《Global Geology》 2011年第3期144-159,共16页 世界地质(英文版)
基金 financial supports given by the NSFC(China,Projects 30220130698,40842002) the Presidium FEBRAS(grant#09-I-P15-02)
关键词 陆相沉积 阿穆尔河 黑龙江 早第三纪 边界 流域 白垩纪 盆地 palynoflore Cretaceous Paleogene boundary Zeya-Bureya Basin
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