4Pitney Bowes Software Inc. Maplnfo Professional Version 10.0 [M/OL], Troy, New York May 2009 (2009.5.21) [2011.1.13]. http://reference. mapinfo.com/soflware/mapinfoAgro/english/10/ MapInfoProfessionalUserGuide.pdf.
6Brian Doty. GRADS map format [DB/OL], Feb 20th 1998 (1998.2.21) [2011.2.10]. FTP://www. iges.org/grads/sprite/doc/doty/map.txt.
7Institute of Global Environment and Society. GRADS Documentation Index[EB/OL].2005 (2005.5.19) [2011.3.12]. http://www, iges.org/ grads/gadoc/gadocindex.html.
1Brian Doty, Mike Fiorino. GRADS user's manual and reference file. Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies. Institute for Grobal Environment and Society.