

Design of Meat Quality Meter Based on Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy
摘要 采用恒流源电路、双频交流发生器、交流测量电路、双单片机内部通信以及与微型计算机实时串行通信,共同构成智能型肉品品质电阻抗测定系统,它用于对屠宰后胴体的电阻抗随现场的环境温度变化进行自动测量,由单片机进行数据实时采集、A/D转换和数据存储,把存储的数据通过RS232或USB通信线发送给计算机,计算机对阻抗、频率、测量时间、测量速度、测量温度进行分类处理和计算,自动拟合出测量曲线,通过分析最终确定相应的肉品品质参数。 The intelligent meat resistance determine system was designed by using constant current source circuit,double frequency alternating current generator,alternating measure circuit,double single chip computer interior communication and real-time exterior serial communication,which would measure automatically various parameter of electrical impedance of carcasses after slaughter as the change of environment temperature,with date collected by single chip computer,A/D transformation and data storage and the storage data transmitted to computer by R232 or USB communication line.Based on the analysis of resistance,frequency,measure time,measure speed and measure temperature,the computer would automatically output a measure curve.After compared with curves from databank based on genetic and breeding measure,intelligent meat quality assessment would be given.
出处 《农业网络信息》 2011年第9期30-33,共4页 Agriculture Network Information
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号30800780) 衡阳市科技局科研项目(编号2005KS01-009)
关键词 肉品品质 电阻抗 双频交流发生器 智能型肉品电阻抗测定系统 meat quality electrical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) double frequency alternating current generator intelligent meat resistance determine system
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