
操作机器人控制的多智能体方法研究综述 被引量:4

A survey on manipulator control using multi-agent method
摘要 传统基于模型的控制方法应用于复杂机器人控制遇到很多困难,最近十几年,很多学者利用多智能体(Multi-Agent)技术构建基于行为的操作机器人控制系统,取得的满意的效果。介绍了基于多智能体方法的操作机器人控制原理,对国内外基于多智能体的操作机器人控制算法和与之对应的控制系统结构、运行平台和多智能体交互模型等相关研究进展进行综述,对多智能体方法用于操作机器人控制的优势和不足进行了总结,最后探讨了多智能体方法在操作机器人控制系统中应用的发展方向。 Traditional model-based control method has encountered many difficulties when it is applied to complex manipulator system.Many scholars used MAS(Multi-Agent)technology to build behavior-based manipulator control system and satisfied results have been achieved in the past decade.The multi-agent based manipulator control theory,algorithm and the corresponding control system structure,operating platform and interactive modeling for the MAS are summarized.Then the advantages and disadvantages for manipulator control with Multi-agent technology are reviewed.Finally the future application of the Muti-agent method in manipulator system is explored.
出处 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2011年第10期142-144,共3页 Machinery Design & Manufacture
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50975148 51005126)
关键词 机器人控制 多智能体 Manipulator control Multi-Agent
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