
草莓灰霉病抗性遗传分析和分子标记初定位 被引量:11

Genetic Analysis and Molecular Marker Mapping of Gray Mold Resistance Gene in Strawberry
摘要 灰霉病是草莓生产中普遍发生的病害之一,造成其严重减产。为了加快草莓灰霉病抗病分子标记辅助育种进程,本文以草莓灰霉病高感亲本达赛莱克特(89)与高抗亲本甜查理(103)杂交得到34株F1个体,经F1代自交得到的248株F2代群体为试验材料,进行草莓灰霉病抗性鉴定和遗传分析,探讨草莓灰霉病抗性的遗传规律,结合集群分离分析法(BSA)和SSR分子标记技术,获得了与草莓灰霉病抗性基因连锁的SSR分子标记。结果表明,供试亲本间灰霉病抗性受一对显性单基因控制。通过F2代遗传分析,鉴定出1个与抗性基因连锁的分子标记UFFxa01H05,该标记与抗性基因间的遗传距离为15.9cM。 Gray mold is one of the prevalent diseases in strawberry,which causes serious reduction of the outputs. In order to accelerate molecular marker assisted breeding process for establishing resistance to the gray mold in strawberry,in this study, 34 F1 populations were obtained by the hybridization o[ the high susceptible strawberry parent Darselect (89) and the high resistant strawberry parent Sweet Charlie (103) to gray mold. In addition,248 F2 populations were gained by the inbred line of the F1 populations inoculated with gray mold fungus and used as the experimental materials to analyze and identify the molecular markers relating to the resistance gene of gray mold in strawberry. By the combinational use d the BSA and SSR techniques,the molecular marker mapping of the interlocked genes with the resistance to gray mold was achieved. The results showed that the resistance of the strawberry to the gray mold was controlled by a pair of dominant genes. By the genetic analysis of the F2 populations, we identified an UFFxa01H05 as the molecular marker which was interlocked with the genes relating to the resistance to gray mold in strawberry and the genetic distance between the resistant gene and ‘UFFxa 01H05’ was 15. 9 cM.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(农业科学版)》 2011年第4期75-78,86,共5页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Agricultural Science)
基金 上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目(沪农科攻字2008第1-4号)
关键词 草莓 灰霉病 遗传分析 抗性基因 SSR strawberry gray mold inheritance analysis resistance gene SSR
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