
社会网络规模对新创企业融资方式影响的实证研究 被引量:4

Empirical Analysis on Impact of Social Network Scale on Financing Way of New Venture
摘要 在分析社会网络规模对新创企业融资方式影响的基础上,提出研究假设,并运用调查问卷数据和结构方程模型予以验证。结果表明:社会网络规模对新创企业的内源权益融资有负影响,对内源债务融资、外源权益融资和外源债务融资有正影响。 On the basis of analyzing the effects of social network scale on the financing way of new venture, this paper puts forward the hypoth- esis,and verifies it through using the data from the questionnaire and structural equation models. The results show that social network scale has negative impacts on internal equity finance,has positive impacts on internal debt finance,external equity finance and external debt finance.
作者 孙宁
出处 《技术经济》 2011年第9期42-44,共3页 Journal of Technology Economics
关键词 社会网络 网络规模 新创企业 创业融资 创业成长 创业管理 social network network scale new venture start-up financing new venture growth entrepreneurship management
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