On 19-21 April, 2011 Izhevsk State Technical University (ISTU), Izbevsk (Russia) hosted the First Student International Olympiad on Mechanism and Machine Science (SIOMMS). The decision on conducting such Olympiads aimed at attracting young people to deeper studying MMS, propaganda of knowledge and achievements in this science, revealing young talents, increasing IFToMM authority was made at the session of IFToMM Executive Council in Guanajuato, Mexico in June 2009.
On 19-21 April, 2011 Izhevsk State Technical University (ISTU), Izbevsk (Russia) hosted the First Student International Olympiad on Mechanism and Machine Science (SIOMMS). The decision on conducting such Olympiads aimed at attracting young people to deeper studying MMS, propaganda of knowledge and achievements in this science, revealing young talents, increasing IFToMM authority was made at the session of IFToMM Executive Council in Guanajuato, Mexico in June 2009.