In power WDM network survivability design, since the traffic demand matrix are difficult to forecast accurately, the traditional protection scheme can only be made based on peak volume of service between network nodes, often resuiting in a huge waste of resources. On the other hand, the failures of fiber links becomes increasingly more relevant in accompany with the development of power communication transmission system, whose topology trends to be meshed. As a result, it becomes quite urgent to study the issue of double-link failure survivability. This paper explores the double-link failure survivability in power WDM optical networks where the traffic demand matrix is not fully known. Two hose-model- based and Valiant-load-balancing-based heuristic algorithms, CVLBSP and DVLBSP are proposed and evaluated by com- puter simulations. The simulation results show that CVLBSP is more cost-efficient than previous scheme, while DVLBSP can not only reach a nice trade-off between cost and reliability, but also meet users' demands in a more flexible manner.
Telecommunications for Electric Power System