6Volume measurement of government output: The Dutch practice since revision 1987,Statistics Netherlands, 1998.
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8David Caplan, 1998, Measruing the Output of Non-market Services, Economic Trends, 1998,10, PP.45 - 50.
9Matthew Power and Alwyn Pritchard,2002,measuring Government Output-Mystical or Misunderstoood? Paper Prepared for the 27th General Conference of The InternationalAssociation for Research in Income and Wealth, 18 to 24August 2002.
10Jacques Bournay, 2002, An Alternative Way of TreatingGovernment Consumption Expenditure in the National Accounts,2002, Paper Prepared for the 27th General Conference of The International Association for Research in Incomeand Wealth, 18 to 24 August 2002.