

Research on speedless sensor control of two five-phase PMSM series connected system based on EKF
摘要 在同一逆变器供电下的两台永磁同步电机(PMSM)串联系统,可运用矢量控制技术实现独立解耦控制。本文提出了一种基于EKF的两台五相PMSM串联系统的扩展Kakman滤波器(EKF)转速估计方法,观测器状态方程采用转子磁链定向的同步旋转坐标系下的电压方程。在线实时估计转子的位置和转速,使得电机能够在无需知道转子初始位置的情况下启动和运行。通过Matlab/Simulink进行了变速仿真分析,仿真结果验证了该算法的可行性。 Two five-phase PMSM series connected system supplied by a single voltage source inverter can be independent controlled by vector control strategy.A state observer based on extended Kalman filter is proposed for the series system.The observer is suitable for solving the nonlinear PMSM equations which obtain under synchronous rotating reference frame oriented by the rotor flux.The motor can start up and operate without the rotor initial position.Simulation results verify the feasibility of the algorithm.
出处 《电子设计工程》 2011年第19期12-15,共4页 Electronic Design Engineering
基金 国家博士后科学基金(2009450205) 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2010EM029)
关键词 两台五相PMSM 串联 矢量控制 EKF状态观测器 two five-phase PMSM series connection vector control EKF state observer
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