开发一套生殖医学管理信息系统,以实现用计算机进行辅助生殖医学技术的信息化管理。采用Client/Server体系结构,以基于HIS系统的Oracle后台数据库为基础,应用PowerBuilder 9.0为前台开发工具开发系统的各个模块。该系统已成功应用到医院生殖医学中心的实际工作中,并取得良好效果。该系统最终达到高效、规范的生殖医学管理。
A management information system for reproductive medicine is developed to electronize ART management. Having Oracle as back--end database of HIS system and PowerBuilder 9.0 as front-end development tool, Client / Server architecture is designed, and each model of system is developed. The system has been successfully applied to the Reproductive Medical Center of Hospital which achieved good results. The system has realized the ultimately efficient and regulate reproductive medicine management.
Electronic Design Engineering