为满足便携式电子产品对高能量密度供电电源的要求,清华大学精密仪器与机械学系研究人员设计出了一种新型二冲程微型摆式内燃机(二冲程MFPSE:Two Stroke Micro Free Piston Swing Engine),以该内燃机项目为背景,设计了样机数据采集模块,对二冲程MFPSE工作腔的压力进行测量,依据采集的数据分析样机的密封效果是否良好。通过实验验证,该数据采集模块有效、可行,能较为真实地测量二冲程MFPSE各工作腔数据,为样机的进一步研究奠定了基础。
In order to provide power for the portable electronic equipment with high energy density, a novel two stroke Micro Free Piston Swing Engine (MFPSE) is designed and made by the department of precise instrument and mechanics of Tsinghua University. Based on the project of this Two Stroke MFPSE, the author designs the data acquirement module which is in charge of measuring test signal of working pocket, The function in seal and performance in ignition of this engine will be evaluated according to the measure data which is stored by the data acquirement module, Proved by test, this data acquirement module is effective and practicable and can measure real data of the Two Stroke MFPSE. At the same time, the paper establishes the foundation for the thorough study in the Two Stroke MFPSE.
Electronic Design Engineering