
物联网技术在体系化作战中的应用探讨 被引量:1

Application of Internet of Things Technology to Systemtic Operation
摘要 简述了物联网的新理念,概括了物联网的主要关键技术,指出物联网相关技术非常适合于基于信息系统的体系化作战,探讨了物联网技术在战场感知、作战控制、综合保障、军事物流等方面的应用,并简要提出在上述应用中存在的问题。 This paper stated the new idea of briefly,involed the primary key technologies.Futhermore,it pointed that these technologies are exactly proper to used in the systemtic war which is based on the information system.Also,this paper discussed the application of the battlefield perception,the battle control,the synthetical guarantee,military logistics and so on.And then it brought out some problems in these applications above.
出处 《电脑开发与应用》 2011年第10期55-58,共4页 Computer Development & Applications
关键词 物联网 体系化作战 军事应用 internet of things systemtic war military application
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