This paper proposes a face recognition method based on the Quatemion Wavelet Transform(QWT) magnitude/ phase representation and AdaBoost.This recent transform is a near shifl-invariant tight frame representation whose coefficients support a magnitude and three phases.The first two QWT phases encode the shifts of image features in the absolute horizon- tai/vertical coordinate system, while the third phase encodes edge orientation mixtures and textural information.The method preprocesses human face images, uses QWT to extract the wavelet coefficients of multi-orientation, and quaternion amplitude and three phases are computed.These quaternion amplitude and phase features are combined and AdaBoost is used to realize recognition.Experimental results on three face databases including Yale, ORL and FERET show that the method has higher recognition rates than AdaBoost and Gabor+AdaBoost.This method has much better recognizing result on FERET especially. Compared with Gabor wavelet features,QWT features are superior both in accuracy and computation complexity.
Computer Engineering and Applications
国家自然科学基金(the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.60873121)