
直觉模糊集的熵及其一般形式 被引量:15

Entropy of intuitionistic fuzzy sets and its general forms
摘要 在综合分析目前直觉模糊集熵的各种公理化定义的基础上,认为直觉模糊集合熵应该是直觉模糊集合的模糊性与不确定性的综合性度量,并且直觉模糊集合退化为模糊集合时,其熵应该与模糊集合熵是一致的。根据这种思想,给出了新的直觉模糊集合熵的公理化定义,并给出了几个直觉模糊集合熵的构造形式。 In this paper,the entropy of intuitionistic fuzzy sets is regarded as a comprehensive measure of the fuzziness and indeterminacy based on a comprehensive analysis of various kinds of current axiomatic definitions of entropy of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, and it should be consistent with the entropy of fuzzy sets when the intuitionistie fuzzy sets degenerate into the fuzzy sets.Based on this idea, a new axiomatic definition of the entropy of intuitionistic fuzzy sets is given, and several structural forms of the entropy of intuitionistic fuzzy sets are given.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第28期52-55,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 辽宁省教育厅高等学校科学研究项目(No.202183381)
关键词 模糊集 直觉模糊集 fuzzy sets intuitionistic fuzzy sets entropy
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