
小儿腹泻病48例治疗体会 被引量:14

摘要 目的:分析研究微生态疗法在小儿腹泻病治疗中的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析2009年2月~2010年2月治疗48例小儿腹泻病患儿的临床资料。对小儿腹泻病患儿应用蒙脱石散及口服双歧杆菌乳杆菌嗜热链球菌三联活菌片治疗,同时对患儿补充锌元素,并调理饮食,进行综合治疗,观察其疗效。结果:治疗中未使用任何抗生素,通过综合治疗有效率52.08%,总有效率95.83%。服药期间无特殊不良反应。结论:临床医生要严格掌握患儿病情,并在饮食、用药方面做到合理治疗,以减少患儿的痛苦,缩短病程,减少并发症的发生。 Abstract: To investigate the clinical curative effect with micro ecology therapy in the treatment of pedo - diarrhea dis-ease. Methods: A retrospective analysis of clinical data was conducted in 48 children patients with pedo - diarrhea disease who were admitted in our hospital from February 2009 to February 2010.48 children patients were treatment by montmoril/onite scattered and colon bacillus lactobacillus living bacterium streptococcus thermophilus mixed tablet by mout , meanwhile to supplement zinc forchildren and regulate diet,combined therapy and to observe efficacy. Results:Without use any antibiotic treatment,Among 48 chil- dren ,21 cases were excellence, with excellence rate of 43.7:5% ,25 cases were valid, with effective power of 52. 08% , with total effective rate of 95. 83% , without adverse reaction. Conclusion : Clinical doctors should be controlled strictly condition of pedo - diarrhea disease, and reasonable treatment with the diet, drug aspects, in order to reduce children's pain, shorten the duration of symptoms and reduce complications.
作者 周昭森
出处 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2011年第27期88-89,共2页
关键词 小儿腹泻病 蒙脱石散 治疗 Pedo - diarrhea disease Mont- morillonite Treatment
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