以赤潮优势种中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)为研究对象,荧光灯和自制LED(light-emitting diode)控制灯为光源,研究不同LED单色光谱及复合光谱(蓝光,绿光,红光,白光,蓝红光,绿红光)对中肋骨条藻生长的作用。实验结果表明,在相同的光合有效量子通量密度条件下,对于单色光,中肋骨条藻在蓝光下生长较快,红光次之,在绿光下生长最慢;对于复合光,中肋骨条藻在荧光灯下生长最快,而在蓝红光下生长略高于在绿红光下生长。各光源下中肋骨条藻生长速率的顺序为:荧光灯>蓝红光LED>绿红光LED>蓝光LED>红光LED>绿光LED。通过比较在不同光照条件下中肋骨条藻的生长速率,表明不同光谱对中肋骨条藻生长的作用不同。
With the dominant species of red tide Skeletonema costatum as the research object, fluorescent lamp and self-control LED (light-emitting diode) as light sources, the Skeletonema costaturn was cultivated to investigate the effect of the different monochromatic and combination spectra of LED (blue, red, green, white, blue and red, green and red) on the growth of Skeletonema costatum. It was concluded that in the same photosynthetic available quantum flux density, for monochromatic light, cell growth rate was greater in blue light than in green or red light; for combined sources, Skeletonema costatum growth with the red and blue light slightly higher than with the green and red light, while white light has the best effi- ciency. The growth rate of Skdetonema costatum showed that: Fluorescent lamp〉red and blue LED〉red and green LED〉blue LED〉 red LED 〉 green LED. For different light sources, the results of the growth rates of Skeletonema costatum which indicated that different spectra had important effect on the growth of Skeletonema costatum.
Periodical of Ocean University of China