目的观察米力农在急诊治疗难治性心力衰竭的疗效及安全性。方法对60例难治性心衰无心律失常患者予以米力农10 mg加入0.9%氯化钠溶液(40 ml)中,以0.4~0.6μg/(kg.min)速度微量泵静脉泵入,1次/d,3 d为1个疗程,观察治疗前后症状、体征、血压、心率及心功能指标B型钠尿钛(BNP)。结果米力农治疗难治性心力衰竭临床总有效率为91.7%,明显改善心功能,缓解临床症状。在治疗过程中有4例出现室性心律失常,减慢速度或停药后消失。结论米力农静脉泵入治疗能有效改善难治性心衰患者的心功能,无严重不良反应。
Objective To observe the efficacy and safety of milrinone in treatment of refractory heart failure in emergency department.Methods Sixty patients with refractory heart failure were treated with milrinone10mg adding into 0.9% sodium chloride solution 40ml,by intravenous injection with micro pump at 0.4-0.6μg/(kg·min),3 days as a therapeutic course.Symptoms,signs,heart rate and BNP of patients were observed before and after treatment.Results The total effective rate was 91.7%,milrinone could obviously improve the heart function and palliate clinical symptoms.During the course of treatment,ventricular premature beat appeared in 4 cases,and it disappeared after slowing down or withdrawal of the transfusion.Conclusion Milrinone can obviously improve the heart function of patients with refractory heart failure without serious adverse reactions.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine