
一种新型粘多糖结构与性能的检测 被引量:3

The structure and performance testing of a new kind of mucopolysaccharide
摘要 粘多糖是由糖醛酸和氨基己糖交替连接成的高分子物质,理化性质独特,应用范围广泛。通过对突变株兽疫链球菌Streptococcus zooepidemicus BU100进行发酵,可产一种新型粘多糖(下文用粘多糖A代替)。利用咔唑法、Elson-Morgan法、考马斯亮蓝法、红外光谱以及13C核磁共振谱测定粘多糖A的结构,结果显示粘多糖A中糖醛酸和氨基糖的摩尔比例接近1:1,蛋白含量符合标准(<0.1%);粘多糖A图谱中出现的结构特征峰大部分与透明质酸相同。对粘多糖A的实用性能进行检测,并用透明质酸做对比,结果表明透明质酸在两种湿度下的吸湿性均要好于粘多糖A,但粘多糖A的保湿性要好于透明质酸。粘多糖A总体的抗氧化性好于透明质酸,并且粘多糖A耐透明质酸酶。粘多糖A可作为保湿剂、润滑剂、抗氧化剂等被更加有效地应用在医疗和化妆品等领域。 Mucopolysaccharide was made of uronic acid and hexosamine. Due to the unique physical and chemical properties, mucopolysaccharides have been used in various fields. After collecting and enrichment culture of active nasal mucosa scraped from newly slaughtered cattle, we got a kind of streptococcus zooepidemicus which was named BU100. With its culture it can secrete a high yield new Mucopolysaccharide A. As there were uronic acid and hexosamine in mucopolysaccharide, the methods of carbazole and Elson-Morgan were used to detect mucopolysaccharide A. In addition, the major impurity (protein) in mucopolysaccharide was detected by the method of Coomassie brilliant blue. According to these methods, it was found that the ratio of uronic acid and hexosamine in mucopolysaccharide A was nearly 1 : 1 which was the same as that in Hyaluronic Acid (HA), and the quantity of protein meets the standards (〈0.1%) requirements. Furthermore with the IR, NMR, the functional group of mucopolysaccharide A was determined and compared to HA. It therefore indicates that most structure and functional group in mucopolysaccharide A were nearly as the same as that in HA. As there were uniqe properties in mucopolysaccharide A, a lot of properties were detected, such as moisture ab- sorbtion, moisture retention, reducing power, clearance of hydroxyl radical, resistance of hyaluronidase. These properties of mucopolysaccharide A were also compared with that of HA. The results showed that the clearance of hydroxyl radica, moisture retention, and reducing power of mucopolysaccharide A was better than HA, but the absorbtion rate of mucopolysaccharide A was not as well as that of HA, and mucopolysaccharide A could resist to Hyaluronidase. Because the structure and functional group of mucopolysaccharide A was highly similar to HA, meanwhile some characters of mucopolysaccharide A were superior to HA, the conclusions was that mucopolysaccharide A can be more effectively applied in medical, cosmetics, etc.
出处 《微生物学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期1518-1525,共8页 Microbiology China
关键词 发酵 粘多糖 结构鉴定 性能检测 Fermentation, Microbiopolysaccharide, Structure identification, Performance testing
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