
英语专业高年级学生汉英口译中的语块使用研究 被引量:35

Investigating the Use of Chunks in Chinese-English Interpretation by College English Majors
摘要 语块是近年来二语习得领域的一个热点话题,本研究着重考察二语学习者在口译产出中的语块使用情况。通过分析200名英语专业四年级学生的汉英口译语料及其中12名学生的访谈数据,研究发现:1)本口译语料中的语块出现频次不高(语块的标准频数为62.3),显示出学生在口译中运用语块的能力不够强;2)语块产出的正确率为86.6%,使用有误的语块可分为语法错误型与搭配不当型两类;3)语法错误型语块的产生主要是由学生对目标语块的记忆缺失造成的,而搭配不当型语块的产出原因包括学生的心理词库中缺乏目标语块或存储了错误的目标语块以及口译任务本身的压力。基于以上结果,建议在口译教学中增加语块教学内容,帮助学生提高语块使用能力。 Chunks have attracted much research attention in SLA in recent years. The present study investigated L2 learners' use of chunks in oral interpretation. By analyzing a small-scale oral interpretation corpus (composed of transcripts of 200 senior English majors' performances in a Chinese-English interpreta- tion task) and interview data of 12 student interpreters, this study yielded the following major fmdings : 1 ) the overall occur- rence of chunks in the interpretation corpus was relatively low, with the standardized frequency being 62.3 indicating students' lack of competence in using chunks in oral interpretation;2) the accuracy rate of the use of chunks in the corpus reached 86. 6%, and the erroneous chunks showed deviations from the target chunks in either grammar or collocation;3) the occurrence of the grammatically-deviated chunks was probably caused by the lapse of memory ( and thus the incomplete recall) of the target chunks, whereas the collocationally-deviated chunks might result from shortage of chunks or storage of erroneous chunks in the student interrupters' mental lexicon, or from the pressure of the interpretation task itself. Based on the above findings, it is sug- gested that teaching of chunks be included into the classroom in- struction of oral interpretation.
作者 王文宇 黄燕
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期73-77,82,共6页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“英语专业高年级学生口译能力研究”(项目编号:06CYY005)的阶段性成果 南京大学“985”工程三期改革型项目“当代西方语言学前沿理论研究与应用探索” 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目阶段性成果
关键词 语块使用 错误语块 汉英口译 chunks erroneous chunks Chinese-English interpretation
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