
一个基于图的音乐数据模型与查询语言及其实现 被引量:2

A Graph-Based Music Data Model and Query Language
摘要 图数据模型广泛应用于各种具有复杂关联数据的领域.针对现有音乐数据模型与查询语言在功能上的缺陷,首先提出了一个基于图的音乐数据模型Gra-MM,用图数据模型对复杂音乐数据进行建模,定义了图逻辑数据结构以及相关的图代数操作,然后给出了建立在Gra-MM之上的音乐数据查询语言Gra-MQL,定义了查询语言的BNF定义.Gra-MQL能够较好地处理音乐数据之间的复杂关联,同时具有音乐元数据检索和音乐内容数据检索能力,从而满足用户对音乐数据不同层次的查询需求,克服了传统图数据查询语言对复杂关联数据的表达能力有限、不能直接应用于音乐内容检索等不足.最后对实现的音乐数据库原型系统进行了介绍,对原型系统进行测试并给出实验数据,证明了模型以及查询语言的可行性. Graph data models are widely used in various area to present, store and process the data with complicated relationships. Considering the deficiency of existing music data models and query languages, this paper firstly presents a graph-based music data model named Gra-MM to model music data with complicated relationships. The definitions of model's logical data structure and algebraic operations are given. Then based on Gra-MM, we present a music data query language called Gra- MQL, with the BNF syntax of the language. Gra-MQL can handle the complicated relationships among music data well, and also has the ability to query music by meta data as well as music content data. Gra-MQL meets a variety of user requirements and overcomes the shortcomings of traditional graph query languages which do not have adequate expressive power when dealing with data that have complicated relationships and don ~ t have the ability to query music based on music content data. Finally, a brief introduction on the prototype of music database management system is given in this paper. Three queries experiments are carried out on this prototype and the performances on different datasets are given, and these experiments show that the model and query language are both feasible in practice and theory.
出处 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期1879-1889,共11页 Journal of Computer Research and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60803016 61170064) 清华信息科学与技术国家实验室(筹)学科交叉基金项目 "核高基"国家科技重大专项基金项目(2010ZX01042-002-002-01)
关键词 音乐数据模型 音乐数据查询语言 图数据模型 图数据查询语言 音乐数据管理 音乐内容 music data model music data query language graph data model graph data querylanguage music data management music content
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