

Research On the Discretion of International Criminal Court's Judges' Questioning to Witnesses——Analysis to the Lubanga's Case
摘要 国际刑事法院卢班加案庭审过程中,被告就"法官对被告方证人进行询问的裁量权"提出质疑,具体涉及到法官的询问内容、询问形式以及被告方是否拥有对法官询问的问题进行质疑的权利等三方面裁量内容。审判分庭将该问题扩展至庭审中法官对任何证人进行询问的裁量权,从法律依据和事实依据两方面展开分析。"国际刑事法院第一案"的裁定内容与方法对其他司法实践将产生重要影响。 During the proceedings of the Lubanga's case,the defence questioned the discretion of the ICC's judges' questioning to witnesses called by the defence which includes three discrete areas: the subject-matter of the questions,the form of the questions and the rights of the defence to challenge questions put by the judges.The trial chamber widens the question to witnesses called by all parties and analyzes the issues from aspects of legal and factual accordings.Lubanga's case is the first case of the ICC and it must have a big influence on other cases within this issue.
作者 于南
出处 《安徽警官职业学院学报》 2011年第4期1-5,共5页 Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers
基金 华东政法大学2010-2011年度研究生创新能力培养专项资金优秀学位论文培育项目(项目编号为101002)阶段性成果
关键词 国际刑事审判 法官 裁量权 询问证人 international criminal justice the judge discretion questioning to witnesses
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  • 1Decision on the confirmation of charges, 27 January 2007, ICC-01/04-01/06-803-tEN.
  • 2Decision on judicial questioning, 18 March 2010, ICC-01/04-01/06-2360, paragraph 32.
  • 3Judgment on the appeals of Mr Lubanga Dyilo and the Prosecutor against the Decision of Trial Chamber I of 14 July 2009 entiled "Decision giving notice to the parties and participants that the legal characterization of the facts may be subject to change in accordance with Regulation 55 (2) of the Regulations of the Court", 8 December 2009, ICC-01/04-01/06-2205.
  • 4Decision on the Filing of a Summary of the Charges by the Prosecutor, 21 October 2009, ICC-01/04-01/07-1547-tENG.
  • 5Requite aux fins de determination des prineipes applicables aux questions posees aux temoins par les juges, 15 January 2010 (notified on 18 January 2010), ICC-01/04-01/06-2252, paragraph 5-7, 11, footnote 5.
  • 6ICC-01/04-01/06-2252, paragraph 11; ICTY, Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalic et al, Case No. 17-96-21-T, Trial Chamber, Decision on the Motion on Pres_entation of Evidence by the_ Accused, Esad Landzo, 1 May 1997, paragraph 26.
  • 7Prosecution's Response to the Defence "Requgte aux fins de determination des pfincipes applicables aux questions posees aux temoins par les juges", 25 January 2010, ICC-01/04-01/06-2265, paragraph 4.
  • 8Transcript of heating on 16 January 2009, ICC-01/04-01/06-T-104-ENG-ET, page 37, line 25 to page 38, line 3.
  • 9Decision on various issues related to witnesses" testimony during trial, 29 January 2008, ICC-01/04-01/06-1140, paragraph 32. See also Rule 85 (A) (vi) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, permitting the introduction of information during trial that is relevant to sentencing.
  • 10ICC-01/04-01/06-2265 ,footnote 5, paragraphs 6-7.








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