

Damages caused by Etiella zinckenella to pigeon pea and its integrated control measures
摘要 【目的】研究木豆豆荚螟主要生物学特性,了解木豆豆荚螟为害习性,为木豆豆荚螟防治提供科学参考。【方法】采用田间观察和系统调查相结合的方法,对广西金城江区和凤山县木豆豆荚螟生活习性、发生条件、为害程度及特点进行调查分析。【结果】木豆豆荚螟主要以幼虫为害木豆的花蕾、嫩荚,造成蕾、荚脱落;1条木豆豆荚螟的全幼虫期能蛀食豆粒3~5粒,有转荚为害现象;木豆豆荚螟的蛀害率约25%~40%,干旱年份旱地木豆豆荚蛀害率可高达80%以上;采用单植方法,可减轻木豆豆荚螟的危害,品种混植越多,花期重叠时间越长,木豆受豆荚螟危害越重;通过合理施药,可减轻危害,提高木豆产量。【建议】冬季彻底清园,降低次年虫源基数;根据不同品种合理密植,保持木豆地通风透光;不同品种分别种植,避免混种;加强田间管理,及时拔除变异株,减少品种混杂;花、荚期科学合理用药,以保花保荚。 【Objective】The present research work was conducted to study the growth and production of pigeon pea and the damages caused to it by Etiella zinckenella in order to apply proper control measures. 【Method】The field observation and system studies were used to investigate production of pigeon pea and the status of damages caused to it by Etiella zinckenella in Jingchengjiang area and Fengshan County. 【Result】The larva of Etiella zinckenella was found to feed on buds and pods of pigeon pea, which caused flowers and pods abscission. Each Etiella zinckenella was found to harm 3-5 seeds of pigeon pea during its whole larval stage, and able to damage the other pods. The rate of damages caused by Etiella zinckenella was 25-40%, which might reach over 80% in poor rainfall year in dry field. Single variety planting method could reduce the damage of Etiella zinckenella. Multiple varietal planting and the longer inflorescence over-lap time were found to cause more damage to pigeonpea by Etiella zinckenella. The reasonable application of pesticide could reduce the damage and improve the yield of pigeon pea. 【Suggestion】Cleaning up the fields thoroughly in winter may reduce the insect source next year. Keeping the soil porous and enough light penetration under canopy, avoiding multiple variety plantations, enhancing field management and removing variant seedlings timely, using insecticides at proper time of flowering and pod stages were suggested as measures to protect flower and fruits.
作者 张晓声
出处 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 2011年第9期1066-1069,共4页 Journal of Southern Agriculture
基金 河池市科技推广项目(河科推0720013)
关键词 木豆 豆荚螟 为害特点 防治技术 pigeon pea Etiella zinckenella damage status control technique
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